Sunday, 14 January 2007

Do you ever get the feeling...

God is trying to tell you something? I sat in church this morning and what came up on the screen? 'Out of the comfort zone' Mmm.....
Mark was speaking from Deuteronomy 1v1-8 about moving on. the Israelites were camped at the mountain...... and God wanted them to go into Canaan. They had experienced great things there but God had more for them. In order for them to experience these new things God wanted them to move.
God is always speaking to us but we need to learn to listen., to not be distracted from what is going on around but tune into what God is saying.
We need to be prepared to leave a place in our life, or a place where God has blessed us in order for Him to give us new blessings.
(extracts from my notes of Mark LS sermon)
It got me thinking back to this mountain/valley idea. On a mountain we experience wonderful things with God but if we stay there too long it becomes mundane ....ordinary ...everyday. We nee to go down the mountain into the valley and climb up the other side, experiencing all sorts of new lessons with God, some times of testing and working through issues...climbing up the next mountain and then experiencing a whole new view of God! New wind in your face, new views, new direction and new heights of fellowship and understanding of God. We don't get there by staying on the first mountain and letting mediocrity be our motto.
Aim higher with God this year...and don't sit still Then you will really see what God can do...go on...give it a try!

1 comment:

Anne Thompson said...

That was really inspiring. So true about getting out of your comfort zone! I often find that is when God has really moved in my life! ( husbands name is Canaan!) Anne