Tuesday 12 June 2007

just thinking...

loads of things have been on my mind this month and I feel as if i need to write them down so that I can look back at the thought process later.
How to put it into words...mmmm...I think it could be summed up as a what are my priorities?
Last week in the ladies Bible study we were talking about going further with God...not being satisfied with where we are at. Beth Moore used the analogy of either we are in the lowlands with God or we could go up the mountain and experience greater things....
Two things struck me about that
1. Going up the mountain is alot harder than staying where I am
2. Tops of mountains are extreme places...extreme wind, extreme weather, harsh hard conditions which often take me to the limits of myself but the view is awsome and cannot be compared to anything.
So if I take this picture of my relationship with God...am I prepared to put in the work, have difficulties and ultimately *get* this amazing view/expereince of God or am I going to be content with staying in my comfort zone of where I am at with God.
One thing I love about my church is that there are people prepared to challenge me in my walk with God and encourage me to go further.
I don't know where you are at but can I say this what ever you think about God... He thinks the world of you and is desparate for you to know Him better.
Why not take that *next step up the mountain* to get to know Him better. Pick up the Bible, ask Him to speak to you through it and read...you will be amazed what will happen!


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